Who Am I?
I am introspective, but also a very busy Gemini of the Astrological Zodiac and a Rooster of the Chinese Horoscope.
I loved school and learning and have continued on an educational path with various degrees in medicine and business plus have books full of management and sales and spiritual certificates - always searching for answers - for something new.
I travelled around the world in my youth and have also travelled a lot in business. In the last half of my life most of my travel has been on a spiritual quest.
I have had numerous relationships, often unsatisfactory but now very fulfilling. I learned what I was looking for in others was actually what I needed to learn about myself.
My birth name, LIGHTBODY, in ancestory.ca is described as a cheerful person or a busy active one. In the Spiritual world LIGHTBODY is the Lumunious body - the Auric field that fills and holds us. In Spanish my first name, ALMA, means Soul.
Years ago a psychic told me I would not be clear about my life purpose till I was 50 years old. That made no sense to me at the time but I did file it somewhere in my mental archives and it simmered there for several years - and so it is! The life I had been living was setting the groundwork for what I was to become....
I am a healer, a medicine woman, a consultant, a therapist and an author. My purpose is to heal others and more importantly to help others heal themselves. A recent client sent me a thank you card and in it she included a quote that truly answers the original question - “Who am I?”
“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
Albert Schweitzwer